Saturday, October 19, 2013

First post

The three of us, before Jill was even one!
So I’m still not entirely sure what will happen with this blog. But my dear sister and I have been talking about starting one for quite a while. Then a couple weeks ago, we made ourselves a deal, where by Halloween we both had to start one. Here is the beginning of mine, with 12 days to spare. 

My plan for this is to be a way to share some cooking projects, crafts, or just randomness that floats my boat. Really though, there is no plan…  :)

Since this is my first post, it seemed appropriate to share a little story about my sisters and our “sister tattoo” we got back in May. We decided when I went back to Florida for a visit, we’d all get a tattoo of nesting dolls to symbolize our sisterhood and friendship. When we first walked into the Lucky 7 tattoo shop, we were just expecting a consultation and to set up an appointment. However, fate had other plans…The artist we met, Jason Lawyer, was visiting from Georgia. After we explained our idea, he drew up a sketch that we all loved. He looked excited and asked, “Okay, who is going first?” Janine, Jill, and I all looked at each other in shock. We told Jason we were planning on coming back later for the actual tattoo, especially since the beach was part of the next day’s agenda. Since Jason was just visiting for a couple days, he said if we wanted to get the tattoo done by him, it’d have to be now, or it could be done by a different artist. After some sister discussion, we decided Oh well about the beach. We knew we wanted this tattoo, and since he drew it, and seemed really into our idea, he should be the one to ink us. So a few hours later we all had our lovely matryoshka dolls! Each one is basically the same, except with a little difference in shading for each one. They are also different sizes- I am the oldest, so I have the largest, with it going down in size. Even though this was my third tattoo, it was the first for Janine and Jill, and I’m so happy we all had that experience together.

1 comment:

  1. Love our tattoos!!! We have over 27 repins on pinterest :)
